Daily Archives: January 15

2 posts

cooking pasta backpacking

Cooking to Save Fuel

White gas, kerosene, isobutane, and denatured alcohols are common fuels for backpacking stoves. Fuel savings greatly depend on the efficiency of the cooking process, as well as the stove and type of cooking pot. One of the best ways to conserve fuel is to avoid energy loss during cooking. You don’t want to run out of fuel mid-hike and be left eating cold freeze-dried entrées. Here are a few strategies to conserve stove fuel. No flame in vain Only allow the fuel to burn when it is at work, or heating your food. Before preparing food: Collect all your camp […]

How to Cook when Backpacking

Whether you have recently started backpacking or are a veteran, you could probably benefit from a few cooking tips. First, we’ll describe the common method that backpackers use when cooking dried foods and strategies you can use to conserve your cooking fuel when using a backpacking stove. This cooking method is a great concept and works well both on and off the trail. We call it boil-soak cooking. It is incredibly efficient because it uses less fuel and water. Boil Soak Cooking Instructions Set up your backpacking stove. Find a spot to cook on level ground that is insulated from the wind. Add […]