
Pulse Power: A Closer Look At This Ultimate Hiking Fuel

Inexpensive and filling, lentils are often a forgotten food. That needs to change! Lentils are an excellent source of energy and protein and can be easily incorporated into trail recipes. Find out how lentils can help you boost your energy and find some easy ways to use them in backpacking […]

high calorie vegetarian backpacking food

Where Do Most Hikers Receive Mail Drops on the PCT?

Customers often ask us what food is best to order for a Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) thru-hike and where most hikers receive mail drops. The majority of hikers have resupply boxes mailed to towns with limited food services. The most common locations Outdoor Herbivore sends PCT orders to: Post Office […]

Pacific Crest Vinaigrette

No Cook Backpacking | 15+ Easy No Cook Backpacking Lunches

Lunch on the trail should be easy, quick, and energy-dense. Eating a large meal in the afternoon can slow you down, so your strategy is to eat light and often by snacking during the day and having a light meal for lunch. These cold-water prep meals are packed with complex carbohydrates, […]

How to Choose the Right Food for Your Backpacking Trip

You are excited about your upcoming backpacking trip but not the food preparation. You want to plan for the hike instead of preparing backpacking food, which, when done yourself, can take months. Making your backpacking food calls for considerable preparation. You must decide on a menu, purchase ingredients, prepare the […]

Dehydrated versus Freeze Dried for Backpacking

Better for Backpacking: Dehydrated or Freeze-Dried Food?

Backpackers who need to minimize weight and space will carry dried food. Most of a food’s weight and volume is due to its water content, and freeze-drying and dehydrating are methods to remove the water, resulting in lighter and packable food. When food is sufficiently dried, it can be stored […]

Backpacking Food Choices Diabetics

Exploring Backpacking Food Options for People with Type 2 Diabetes

Consuming a surplus of calories long-term leads to the accumulation of fat in the liver and pancreas that causes type 2 diabetes (T2D). Any activity that decreases intra-organ fat can put diabetes into remission. Backpacking is an excellent activity for people with diabetes. It’s a moderately intense aerobic activity that […]