The doing dishes task is one of dread for many backpackers because cleaning often involves finding and collecting more water. And after cleaning, you have to walk a few more steps away from the camp area to scatter the wastewater. Sometimes it is not a matter of laziness, but of circumstance. It might be that you are rationing your water because there is no water anywhere around you, and you don’t know where the next water source is. Other than hoping for rain, or packing up a dirty kitchen set, more options do exist. We always encourage backpackers to use […]
Camp Tips
Winter backpacking can require an additional 500 – 1,000 calories per day, an average of 4,500 calories per day for men and 3,500 for women. Start planning the right foods before the start of your winter backpacking trip. Eating nutritionally sound foods will make the difference in your ability to stay warm and energized.
Cold weather means everything takes longer. Anticipate and plan for the extra time needed. Be realistic when it comes to hiking mileage. Stop to rest when hiking. Excessive sweating and non-wicking clothing will make you colder. Protect exposed skin and lips with lip balm (SPF 15 or higher) and sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher). Check EWG for the best-rated sunscreen and lip balms. Drink plenty of water daily, generally 2-3 quarts. You will not realize how dehydrated you are during the winter since the air is drier and sweat evaporates before you know it. Consume your water by eating soups and other […]
Peanut butter is a convenient and high-calorie snack for backpackers to take on the trail. It is loaded in healthy fat and offers a decent amount of protein. But not all peanut butter is suited for backpacking. Here’s what to look for.
When the temperatures become hot, water vapor condenses from nearby water sources and around mountain tops, forming dark clouds. These clouds have the potential to culminate in intense electrical storms. Clearly, it is unwise to continue ascending a summit as the sky pulsates with gigantic bolts of lightning, but sometimes the situation is unavoidable. You may not know that a storm is coming until it crests the summit towards which you may be ascending. In those cases, there are safety measures you can take to protect yourself. Nevertheless, you can reduce your chances of becoming caught off guard by surprise storms as […]