What you need to know about Blacklegged Ticks and Lyme Disease

Although biting insects are annoying, most cause no harm to humans or animals. The exceptions are the blood-feeding pests that can vector many etiological pathogens, such as mosquitoes and ticks. In the U.S., the Black Legged tick, also known as the deer tick, can spread the Lyme disease bacterium, Borrelia […]

Pacific Crest Vinaigrette

No Cook Backpacking | 15+ Easy No Cook Backpacking Lunches

Lunch on the trail should be easy, quick, and energy-dense. Eating a large meal in the afternoon can slow you down, so your strategy is to eat light and often by snacking during the day and having a light meal for lunch. These cold-water prep meals are packed with complex carbohydrates, […]

mtr trail sign

How to Resupply at Muir Trail Ranch with Outdoor Herbivore

Reader Question: We will be hiking the John Muir Trail this summer and would like you to send us a resupply to Muir Trail Ranch. Is it possible for Outdoor Herbivore to ship food to the ranch? Shipments must be in a plastic bucket. Can you ship our order there […]


Bee Better

After thoughtful consideration, we’ve decided to discontinue Bee Good Couscous for 2017. This product contains bee pollen, which comes from the pollen of plants collected by honeybees. Honeybees have been dying off in record number for more than a decade because of human interference. In good consciousness, we will no longer purchase products coming from bees.

Turmeric + Ginger + Cranberry: A Powerful Fusion

Food calories equate to more than energy, some contain powerful healing properties. Here we highlight three such foods: 1. Turmeric Turmeric contains curcumin, which is notable for its ability to reduce joint and muscle pain. It works much the same as an over the counter anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen. […]