Repelling Pesky MosquiToes

Insect repellent should do what it says – repel insects. That includes all the blood-sucking carnivores that frequent us in the outdoors, including mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums, fleas, midges, ticks, and chiggers. All bug sprays contain a proprietary formulation to mask our scent of carbon dioxide, and therefore, our blood as a food source. Several choices of repellents are proven to work. The one you already know: DEET. There are a number of effective, less toxic insect repellents available besides DEET. Here we discuss alternative options to DEET.

nut milk powders

Powdered Non Dairy Milks for the Trail

Looking for almond milk powder? Although California is the largest producer of almonds in the world, there is no such product as almond milk powder. The closest match is almond flour — specifically, a superfine grind of almond flour made from blanched almonds. Here we mix it with water to see how it performs as an instant almond milk for the trail. We also compare other plant-based powdered alternatives based on several factors: cold water solubility, hot water solubility, shelf life, nutritional content, and taste.

sunny sunflower salad taco

No Cook Trail Salads by Outdoor Herbivore

Based on the feedback we’ve received, you are loving our trail salads and would like to see more no-cook meals loaded up with veggies. We’re eager to please and have been crafting up delicious creations. Here are all of our trail salads as of May 2022.

skeleton human

Strong Bones for the Trail: Spotlight Calcium

When it comes to movement, having strong bones is essential for keeping yourself upright. Bones provide the structural framework for the entire body and work together with muscles to function as levers to produce controlled movements.
If you participate in endurance activities such as cycling, running, or backpacking, you need dietary calcium. How much?

high calorie vegetarian backpacking food

Where Do Most Hikers Receive Mail Drops on the PCT?

Customers often ask us what food is best to order for a Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) thru-hike and where most hikers receive mail drops. The majority of hikers have resupply boxes mailed to towns with limited food services. The most common locations Outdoor Herbivore sends PCT orders to: Post Office – Warner Springs, CA; PCT mile 110 + 1 mile off trail Kennedy Meadows General Store – Inyokern, CA; PCT mile 703 + 1 mile off trail Post Office – Independence, CA; PCT mile 790 + 24 miles off trail Vermilion Valley Resort (VVR) – Lakeshore, CA; PCT mile 877 […]