
2 posts

Doing dishes in the backwoods

The doing dishes task is one of dread for many backpackers because cleaning often involves finding and collecting more water. And after cleaning, you have to walk a few more steps away from the camp area to scatter the wastewater. Sometimes it is not a matter of laziness, but of circumstance. It might be that you are rationing your water because there is no water anywhere around you, and you don’t know where the next water source is. Other than hoping for rain, or packing up a dirty kitchen set, more options do exist. We always encourage backpackers to use […]

Feeling Grimy? Grab Dr. Bronners Soap

Grubby fingers? Foul breath? Food bits stuck in your teeth? Soiled Dishes? Backpacking without soap can leave you feeling uncomfortable and grimy.  Dr. Bronner’s 18-in-1 organic hemp castile soap solves all these problems.  We love this stuff – it is naturally scented, completely organic, biodegradable, highly concentrated, and serves a multitude of uses. Use Sparingly You only need a small amount of this soap since it is a highly concentrated oil. Cleaning Camp Dishes You may not even need it at all if you are consuming dried foods (dehydrated/freeze-dried).  These meals are already pre-cooked and dried, so you are not actually cooking […]