Vegetarian backpacking meals and freeze dried foods for travel | natural & organic
Vegetarian backpacking meals and freeze dried foods for travel | natural & organic

Nutritional Yeast is More than a Vegan Cheese: It’s A Powerhouse of Nutrients

nutritional yeast powder
Nutritional Yeast is valued for its excellent source of B-complex vitamins and minerals.

We often are asked why we use nutritional yeast in some of our vegan products. Nutritional yeast is prized for its creamy, cheese-like flavor and concentrated source of protein and B-complex vitamins. It is an excellent cheese replacement for backpacking because it requires no refrigeration and has a long shelf life. It makes a versatile condiment for various dishes, such as pasta, or a topping to sprinkle on snack foods, such as popcorn. It also contains very low sodium.

Nutritional yeast is a deactivated form of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae. Nutritional yeast has no fermenting or leavening power, unlike live yeast used in bread making and brewing. Since nutritional yeast does not contain active yeast, it is acceptable for those following a diet designed to manage Candida albicans. Brewer’s and nutritional yeast are from the same fungus, which is deactivated by pasteurization and drying. Both yeasts are ready to eat straight from the package.

Brewers Yeast versus Nutritional Yeast

While brewer’s yeast and nutritional yeast provide similar nutrition, there is a significant difference between them. Brewer’s yeast is a by-product of the beer brewing industry and has a bitter hops flavor.

Nutritional yeast has a pleasant, cheese-like flavor and is purposely grown on molasses or sugar cane to create a food or dietary supplement. Fortified nutritional yeast can also serve as a dietary supplement due to the high levels of B vitamins, including B12, an essential nutrient for vegans who are often deficient without supplementation. Conversely, brewer’s yeast does not contain a significant amount of vitamins. However, it can provide a good source of chromium, which is essential for the diabetic or hypoglycemic diet.

How Nutritional Yeast is made

After the nutritional yeast has fermented, the culture is pasteurized and drum dried to destroy the live yeast. You never want to consume live active yeast (i.e., baking yeast) as a food supplement because the live yeast will continue to grow in the intestine and deplete the body of nutrients. However, once the yeast is inactivated through pasteurization, it provides excellent nutrition. Hence, nutritional yeast is sold as a supplement and food source in the form of powders, flakes, and spreads – such as Vegemite, a sandwich commonly used in the UK and Australia. Nutritional yeast also referred to as “nooch,”  “vegetarian yeast,” “savory yeast,” or “hippie dust,” adds flavor and nutrition to dishes.

How Nutritional Yeast is Made
How Red Star Nutritional Yeast is Made.  Source: Lesaffre Yeast Corp

What to look for when purchasing nutritional yeast

  • Fortified with B12, a vitamin lacking in most vegetarian/vegan diets. Not all brands of nutritional yeast have B12 added.
  • Pasteurized at low temperatures. Nutritional yeast processed at high temperatures forms elevated concentrations of free glutamic acid, an amino acid protein naturally present in yeast and a natural form of MSG.
  • A dark yellow color, indicating it contains a high amount of riboflavin (vitamin B2).
  • Dissolves easily.

Nutritional yeast as a food

Keep in mind that both nutritional yeast/brewers yeast are considered a health food because they are very concentrated in nutrients. Therefore, you do not need to consume very much (1 – 2 TB is a sensible serving). We stand by our philosophy that it is better to consume fresh foods naturally present in nature instead of synthetically processed foods. However, there are no plant foods that reliably contain B-12 and nutritional yeast is an economical way for vegans to get this vital nutrient as well as recreate a cheesy flavor.

Nutritional yeast in food is used much like you might add cheese to dishes. Common uses in food:

  • Sprinkle on popcorn instead of butter and salt.
  • Add in pasta and casseroles to give a cheesy flavor.
  • Add to soup, gravy or sauces to give a creamy taste without the use of milk.
  • Use it with baked or mashed potatoes.
  • Add to scrambled tofu/eggs instead of cheese.
  • Add to smoothies to boost nutrition.
Nutritional yeast can be found in powder or flake form in health foods stores across the U.S. The flakes are used as a condiment to sprinkle on pizza or pasta (as you would Parmesan cheese), and the powder works well for popcorn, gravy, sauces, and casseroles.

Is nutritional yeast high in sodium?

No! Outdoor Herbivore uses Red Star Vegetarian support nutritional yeast in all of our meals that contain this supplement. It is very low in sodium – 5mg per 1.5 tablespoon serving. This allows you to enjoy a robust flavor without the need for excess salt.

Ingredients in Red Star Nutritional Yeast:

Inactive dry yeast, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folic acid, selenium. Below is the breakdown of the Daily Value (DV) per 16 gram serving.

NutrientsPer 1.5 Tablespoon Serving (16g)
Total Fat1 gram
Carbohydrate7 grams
Fiber4 grams
Protein8 grams
Sodium5 milligrams
Vitamin B1 (thiamin)640% DV
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)560% DV
Vitamin B3 (niacin)280% DV
Vitamin B6480% DV
Folic Acid60% DV
Vitamin B12130% DV
Selenium30% DV
Zinc20% DV
The dehydrated backpacking meals that we produce containing nutritional yeast include Basil Walnut Penne‘Cheddar’ Mac, Happy Fella PestoBellaPesto Herbilicious, Spicy Vegan Squeezy, and Sunrise Tofu Scramble.
Outdoor Herbivore’s ‘Cheddar’ Mac made with nutritional yeast instead of dairy.  The result is a lower sodium dish with more nutrients; the texture is creamy and the flavor is cheddary.

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