Monthly Archives: July 2011

2 posts

nutritional yeast powder

Nutritional Yeast is More than a Vegan Cheese: It’s A Powerhouse of Nutrients

Nutritional yeast is the perfect companion for vegan adventure travel because it gives cheesy flavor without the need for refrigeration, is low in sodium, and has a very long storage life. Some brands of nutritional yeast are vitamin-fortified and considered a health food. There are no plant foods that reliably contain B-12 and nutritional yeast is an economical way for vegans to get this vital nutrient.

Lost using National Geographic Trail Illustrated Maps

Map Skills Primer

Knowing how to read a topographic map is an essential skill for navigating the backcountry. Make sure you understand how to follow a topographic map before your hike — especially if you plan to be in a remote area. Here we’ll cover the basics and provide some online sources for finding topographic hiking maps. We will also feature some external sites that teach map skills & orienteering in greater detail. What is a Topographic Map Topographic maps render the three-dimensional ups and downs of the terrain on a two-dimensional map. The topographic map shows a cross-sectional view of the terrain, known as a topographic profile. […]