When Wild Turkey numbers dwindled in the twentieth century from hunting and habitat loss, various states, such as California, adopted programs to reintroduce them. These programs have saved them from extinction. Today, wild turkey populations have recovered throughout the United States. Here in Northern California, wild turkeys are a daily occurrence. You’ll find them roaming free in suburban front yards and public parks. Drivers routinely stop for a pack of turkeys to cross a busy street. The gang will stroll across the street without concern, fanning their tail feathers and pecking at bits of leaves while crossing. Although most people […]
Monthly Archives: November 2016
Backpacking slows down in November and December in the U.S. as society shifts its focus to consumerism and holiday gatherings. While the roads, airports, and stores confine with people, the trails become empty and quiet. There is no better time than now to regain your equilibrium in the wilderness. To make it easier for you to escape for an overnight on the trail, Outdoor Herbivore is offering free shipping on all U.S. orders when you spend $75 or more. Free shipping is available from now until Thursday, 12/22.
Getting good sleep in the backcountry can be challenging, and a lousy night of rest does not make hiking enjoyable the next day. Here are a few tips to help you get better zzz’s. Find a Comfortable Camp Site. Take your time scouting a flat, rock-free spot and clear away any sticks and pine cones before pitching your tent. If you are sensitive to light, try to avoid areas with a direct view of the night sky. The light from a gibbous or full moon can be bright enough to keep you awake. Open areas can be windy. Pitching your tent […]