How to Maximize Trail Calories by Champion Chewing

September 30

After exerting all that energy to carry the weight of your food on your back, the last thing you want to do is to lose valuable calories by eating carelessly.…

Backpacking and Cooking Foods at High Altitude

August 26

34% of the world's population lives within 330 vertical feet (100 meters) of sea level Chances are, you live in a part of the country that is lower in elevation…

Decaying Delights of the Forest: Exploring the Flavor of Mushrooms

August 6

You might wonder why humans would ever decide to eat mushrooms. At first glance, mushrooms might seem unappealing. They are, after all, a type of fungus, and many varieties are…

Repelling Pesky MosquiToes

July 24

Insect repellent should do what it says – repel insects. That includes all the blood-sucking carnivores that frequent us in the outdoors, including mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums, fleas, midges, ticks,…

Powdered Non Dairy Milks for the Trail

June 21

Looking for almond milk powder? Although California is the largest producer of almonds in the world, there is no such product as almond milk powder. The closest match is almond…

No Cook Trail Salads by Outdoor Herbivore

May 22

Based on the feedback we've received, you are loving our trail salads and would like to see more no-cook meals loaded up with veggies. We're eager to please and have…

Strong Bones for the Trail: Spotlight Calcium

May 20

When it comes to movement, having strong bones is essential for keeping yourself upright. Bones provide the structural framework for the entire body and work together with muscles to function…

Where Do Most Hikers Receive Mail Drops on the PCT?

March 21

Customers often ask us what food is best to order for a Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) thru-hike and where most hikers receive mail drops. The majority of hikers have resupply…

Pasta vs Noodles: Which one is better for the trail

March 2

Do noodles or pasta need to be cooked at all? Here we discuss which types of pasta "cook" in cold water, without a stove.

A Commonly Overlooked Way to Reduce Your Pack Weight

January 31

Reducing pack weight starts with minimizing gear and replacing heavier gear with lighter materials. Ultralight backpackers know all the different methods to reduce excess weight to achieve a lighter pack.…