Categories: Life

How Much Time until Dark?

Using the fingers on your hand is one way to estimate how much time you have before sunset. This can be a handy tip when you need to find a campsite and do not have a light source available. Setting up a tent in the dark can be challenging.

How to calculate hours to sunset using the fingers on your hand

  • Fully extend your arm out in front of the sun. Hold your hand up so that the top part of your index finger just hits the bottom of the sun. Keep adding fingers until you reach the horizon. Use the other hand if needed (not the thumb).
  • Count your fingers. Each finger represents 15 minutes. This is approximately how much time until the sun lowers into the horizon.

Note: This method does not work for areas near the North and South Poles (generally above 50 degrees latitude) due to the Sun appearing for longer periods of time on the horizon.

The sun moves 15 deg per hour or 1 deg every 4 minutes. Each finger represents 3.75 deg or 15 minutes.

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