A Commonly Overlooked Way to Reduce Your Pack Weight

Reducing pack weight starts with minimizing gear and replacing heavier gear with lighter materials. Ultralight backpackers know all the different methods to reduce excess weight to achieve a lighter pack. But backpackers often narrow their focus to reducing only carrying weight, and what you carry on your torso is not the only thing that matters. The weight of your feet, particularly your shoes, significantly impacts your energy expenditure and sense of load. The U.S. Army has research to support this fact: The weight on the feet is disproportionately more exhausting than the weight carried on the torso.[1] The rule of thumb […]

Vegetarian Iron Sources Trail Food

More Energy & Less Fatigue on the Trail: Spotlight Iron

Do your trail foods include iron? Iron plays a vital role in your hiking performance. Foremost, it is necessary to deliver oxygen to your muscles. Getting enough iron in your trail diet will also keep your immune system strong and prevent fatigue. Here we discuss strategies you can use to boost your iron levels. Iron is, by mass, the most common element on Earth. It is formed via fusion in stars, comprising almost all of the earth’s core and the planets in the Solar System. It is an essential mineral for both animals and plants. In plants, it plays a […]

happy bike commuter

5 Habits to Improve your Life

We’re bombarded with information telling us what to do to live a long and healthy life — often from companies trying to sell a product. Here’s a small set of habits that we’ve been doing for years and cost little to nothing to implement. Try one out and see what a difference it makes in your energy and outlook. 1. Transport Yourself by Human Power In North America, most people consider cycling, walking, and running as only for recreation or professional sport. Ironically, we drive to the gym to pedal a stationary bike or drive to a park to go […]