Hiking trails in the United States offer an abundance of edible berries that are great for raw snacking. They add fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants to your trail diet. Blueberries, blackberries, huckleberries, mulberries, raspberries, and strawberries, are just a few examples of the delicious and nutritious berries you may encounter. […]
Have you ever gone hiking with an edgy friend who is always on the lookout for snakes on the sides of the trail? When discussing your previous weekend backpacking trip with your co-workers, how many times have you heard, “Aren’t you worried about snakes?” You should be cautious, but not […]
Find a giant furry spider nestled in your backpacking gear? It is Spring and spiders are coming out of hiding to eat and breed. Before you dig out your backpacking gear from the closet or garage, you might want to know how to identify what spiders are harmful. You can probably […]
Did you just touch poison ivy, oak or sumac? How can you avoid a rash after touching them? What can you do to alleviate the itching if you develop a rash? Know what cures can be found growing in the wilderness!
The plant world is coming back to life as the temperature is starting to warm. Did you just touch poison ivy, oak or sumac? Know how to identify these common poisonous plants so you can avoid any aggravating rashes.