Yearly Archives: 2013

10 posts

Looking Skyward: Forecasting Weather using Nature

When the temperatures become hot, water vapor condenses from nearby water sources and around mountain tops, forming dark clouds. These clouds have the potential to culminate in intense electrical storms. Clearly, it is unwise to continue ascending a summit as the sky pulsates with gigantic bolts of lightning, but sometimes the situation is unavoidable. You may not know that a storm is coming until it crests the summit towards which you may be ascending. In those cases, there are safety measures you can take to protect yourself. Nevertheless, you can reduce your chances of becoming caught off guard by surprise storms as […]


Ah, Spring has Arrived!

Yesterday the twig was brown and bare; Today the glint of green is there; Tomorrow will be leaflets spare; I know no thing so wondrous fair, No miracle so strangely rare. I wonder what will next be there! ~ The Miracle,  L.H. Bailey Dust off your backpacking gear because it is April!  Spring has arrived here in the Northern Hemisphere, and that means warmth is already here or near. Near for many of us. It has been an incredibly long and cold winter here in North Carolina, as most of the U.S. We’ve had a few warm “teaser” days followed by […]

10 Essential Tools in Your Backpacking First Aid Kit

What items should a backpacker carry in a first aid kit? If you hike with a dog, what extra items do you need for your furry companion? Medical survival kits are often a boring subject, and many hikers don’t pay much attention to them. However, a survival kit is one of the most important items you carry and should not be compromised when trying to lighten pack weight. It is better to carry a few ounces more in weight than to suffer through a hike. Just imagine for a moment how you will feel when you… have a painful blister […]

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Why Nuts make you a Stronger Backpacker

Nuts are an important source of food for backpackers. Nuts promote a healthy immune system by restoring nutrients and calories that are lost through backpacking and outdoor activity. Nuts also make a delicious snack and provide a crunchy texture to freeze-dried backpacking meals. When it comes to caloric density, nuts are king. After pure fats and oils, nuts are the richest source of foods we eat, averaging 600 calories per 100 grams (3.5 oz, about 1 cup). When trail food supplies are running low, nuts make the difference. Their high fat content takes the edge off hunger. Here we’ll briefly cover […]


Food RX for Pain and Inflammation

Whether you are experiencing sore hips or knee pain from hiking, an injury such as a twisted ankle, or a severe headache, there are certain foods you can eat to ease the pain. In this article, you’ll find a list of foods that contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds to help counteract inflammation and soreness in the body. In the curious adventurer, we mentioned how eating right plays an enormous role in your ability to finish a thru-hike. Pain is undoubtedly a common ailment experienced by most thru-hikers. Fortunately, nature has provided us with plenty of trail-worthy foods to help minimize and alleviate inflammation and […]