Camp Tips

66 posts

Camp tips for backpackers and hikers.

10 Essential Tools in Your Backpacking First Aid Kit

What items should a backpacker carry in a first aid kit? If you hike with a dog, what extra items do you need for your furry companion? Medical survival kits are often a boring subject, and many hikers don’t pay much attention to them. However, a survival kit is one of the most important items you carry and should not be compromised when trying to lighten pack weight. It is better to carry a few ounces more in weight than to suffer through a hike. Just imagine for a moment how you will feel when you… have a painful blister […]


Food RX for Pain and Inflammation

Whether you are experiencing sore hips or knee pain from hiking, an injury such as a twisted ankle, or a severe headache, there are certain foods you can eat to ease the pain. In this article, you’ll find a list of foods that contain potent anti-inflammatory compounds to help counteract inflammation and soreness in the body. In the curious adventurer, we mentioned how eating right plays an enormous role in your ability to finish a thru-hike. Pain is undoubtedly a common ailment experienced by most thru-hikers. Fortunately, nature has provided us with plenty of trail-worthy foods to help minimize and alleviate inflammation and […]

contact lens

Backpacking with contact lens

If you wear contact lens, chances are you have bad eyesight and dislike wearing glasses. So, is there any reason you should give up wearing your contact lenses when backpacking? No. It is possible to successfully wear and sanitize your contact lenses in the wilderness. You’ll just need to pay attention to maintaining lens hygiene. Bring along your normal supplies that you use at home for cleaning your lenses, plus a spare set of contact lenses and glasses. Are Glasses really Necessary? Just think how confident you can make your way around if you lose your contact lenses for any reason. […]

Practical Tips for Responsible Backpacking and Eco-Friendly Living

Although our routines may seem insignificant, the decisions we make in our daily lives impact the wellness of our health, family, community, and world. For instance, conserving energy by turning the lights off in empty rooms is a start to environmental awareness. This small habit is sensible because it saves natural resources and money. This action may lead to other changes, such as making non-toxic, biodegradable cleaning supplies using vinegar, baking soda, and lemon. Adopting more significant practices, like using a bike instead of a car for short-distance trips, could be next. Unsurprisingly, simple eco-friendly habits tend to blend across […]

Sleep Better When Backpacking: Slumber and Siestas

For backpackers, especially thru-hikers, quality sleep is a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of enjoying the trail. However, falling asleep and staying asleep can be a challenge. Endless reasons can disrupt your sleep while on the trail, such as stormy weather, nocturnal animals scurrying around your tent, aching bones, physical discomfort sleeping on the ground, a snoring tentmate, and noisy campmates. What can you do if you have trouble sleeping in the wilderness? Prevent sleeplessness from occurring in the first place by not eating a heavy meal right before bed and avoiding sugary foods. Eat foods that promote sleep in the evening or a […]