Vegetarian Topics

17 posts

Helpful advice for vegetarian and vegan backpackers.


Fueling the Firefight: Meeting the Energy Demands for Wildland Firefighters

Wildland firefighting, a role that demands immense physical and mental strength, requires careful meal planning. To sustain this work output and maintain a healthy immune system, fireline firefighters will typically need to consume 6,000 calories daily. Getting proper nutrition from ultra-processed Meals Ready to Eat (MREs), packaged snacks and backpacking […]

nut milk powders

Powdered Non Dairy Milks for the Trail

Looking for almond milk powder? Although California is the largest producer of almonds in the world, there is no such product as almond milk powder. The closest match is almond flour — specifically, a superfine grind of almond flour made from blanched almonds. Here we mix it with water to see how it performs as an instant almond milk for the trail. We also compare other plant-based powdered alternatives based on several factors: cold water solubility, hot water solubility, shelf life, nutritional content, and taste.