Categories: FAQs

Outdoor Herbivore Shelf Life

What is the Approximate Shelf Life of Outdoor Herbivore Meals?

If you are looking to purchase a significant amount of trail food or want to put together a vegan preparedness kit, you’ll need to know the storage life.

We’ve now added Storage Life on our website for each product to help you with planning. You can view this information on the product description tab. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to see it.

We’ve added Storage Life so you can get an idea of the lifespan of a meal before you purchase it

Outdoor Herbivore’s meals, on average, will store for two years under proper conditions, making them suitable for short-term emergency preparedness rather than long-term storage. The reason for this is because our meals contain minimally processed organic whole food ingredients, nuts, and seeds. These substances have a limited shelf life of about 2 years for peak quality due to their high oil content. Second, we do not package in #10 metal cans, which is the best storage container to protect food by blocking out oxygen, light, and pests.

To get the most storage life out of your trail food, keep it in a cool and dry place, such as a kitchen cabinet. Never store food on the ground, near heat, moisture, or in any areas that experience wide temperature fluctuations, such as a garage, attic, crawl space, or car trunk.

Prepare Sensibly

No matter where you live, the likelihood of floods, wildfires, earthquakes, or other disasters are all factors to consider for keeping an emergency supply kit. But don’t go overboard with planning. Buy what food you plan to consume within that time frame. Three days worth of food is adequate for most disasters. If you live in a remote location or an area at risk for disasters that can cut off your food supply for a week or longer, consider maintaining a supply of food that will last that long. Many sources recommend storing food for up to two weeks.

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Outdoor Herbivore

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