Knowing how to read a topographic map is an essential skill for navigating the backcountry. Make sure you understand how to follow a topographic map before your hike — especially if you plan to be in a remote area. Here we’ll cover the basics and provide some online sources for finding topographic hiking maps. We will also feature some external sites that teach map skills & orienteering in greater detail. What is a Topographic Map Topographic maps render the three-dimensional ups and downs of the terrain on a two-dimensional map. The topographic map shows a cross-sectional view of the terrain, known as a topographic profile. […]
It is a common scenario: when we get lost in the wilderness, we wind up walking in circles. Much to our dismay, at some point we’ll revisit our tracks and feel despair that we’ll never make it out of this loop and back to civilization. The German research scientist, Jan Souman’s empirical data confirms that humans have a tendency to not only walk lopsided but to self-navigate within a loop when lost. Favoring Loops in Poor Visibility In the study, participants were instructed to walk straight from two different starting positions (marked as red dots). The blue line represents the […]
Plants are beneficial. They energize us by creating fresh and clean air, balance internal humidity, inspire creativity, and provide a soothing environment. It is easy to create an indoor green haven inside your office and home by keeping a few common plants around your space. The Benefits of Keeping Plants at Home and Work 1. Plants Remove Pollution Common house plants are effective in removing indoor air pollution. All plants clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. This process filters the air we breathe by absorbing harmful pollutants, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, […]
Motion sickness? These natural remedies may be worth a try if you or your passengers start feeling queasy while traveling
Here are 4 knots you need to know if you participate in outdoor activities such as backpacking, boating, climbing, and caving. Knot tying is a useful skill for various applications, from securing gear to saving a life. These four are particularly valuable and easy to learn! 1. Bowline Knot The bowline received its name because it was traditionally used by sailors to affix the sail to the bow (front) of the boat. In the present era, it is referred to as the “King of Knots” because it is suited for many applications. This knot makes a secure loop which can […]