The moon has no light of its own. The light seen from the moon is a reflection of the sun. The shape of the reflected light varies as the Earth orbits around the sun. This can be useful for finding direction at night once you understand how this works. When it is a crescent moon, it is straightforward. To Find South during a Crescent Moon Imagine a line connecting the endpoints of the moon’s crescent projecting to the horizon. The point on the horizon indicates South. If you are in […]
Using the fingers on your hand is one way to estimate how much time you have before sunset. This can be a handy tip when you need to find a campsite and do not have a light source available. Setting up a tent in the dark can be challenging. How to calculate hours to sunset using the fingers on your hand Fully extend your arm out in front of the sun. Hold your hand up so that the top part of your index finger just hits the bottom of the sun. Keep […]
Did you find berries growing on the trail and wonder if you can eat them? Here are some tips to help you decide. These Berries are Not Safe to Eat Nearly all white, green, and yellow berries are poisonous. Never eat the berry (or the leaves) from a plant that has a milky sap. 50% of red berries are poisonous, so eating them is only worth the risk if you can positively identify it. Avoid leaves or seeds with an almond-like scent, a characteristic of cyanide compounds. These Berries are […]