For long-distance backpackers, the importance of consuming high-calorie vegetarian fats cannot be overstated. You can burn up to 5,000 calories daily when you’re backpacking in mountainous terrain. Because fat provides the highest source of calories by weight, hikers should consume more fat to account for lost calories. But it’s not just about energy. Fats also play a vital role in insulating your body, supporting immunity and brain health, and aiding in the absorption of vitamins you get from food. They even act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K). When it comes to fats, it’s crucial to understand […]
Plants are beneficial. They energize us by creating fresh and clean air, balance internal humidity, inspire creativity, and provide a soothing environment. It is easy to create an indoor green haven inside your office and home by keeping a few common plants around your space. The Benefits of Keeping Plants at Home and Work 1. Plants Remove Pollution Common house plants are effective in removing indoor air pollution. All plants clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through a process called photosynthesis. This process filters the air we breathe by absorbing harmful pollutants, including carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, […]
You are excited about your upcoming backpacking trip but not the food preparation. You want to plan for the hike instead of preparing backpacking food, which, when done yourself, can take months. Making your backpacking food calls for considerable preparation. You must decide on a menu, purchase ingredients, prepare the meals, dry them using a dehydrator or freeze-dryer, measure and ration the portions, seal them into storage bags, and label the cooking instructions. Then, there is the concern about having packed enough food or too much. How will it taste – pleasant, dreadful, bland, salty…? Will you have enough calories, protein, […]
Here are 4 knots you need to know if you participate in outdoor activities such as backpacking, boating, climbing, and caving. Knot tying is a useful skill for various applications, from securing gear to saving a life. These four are particularly valuable and easy to learn! 1. Bowline Knot The bowline received its name because it was traditionally used by sailors to affix the sail to the bow (front) of the boat. In the present era, it is referred to as the “King of Knots” because it is suited for many applications. This knot makes a secure loop which can […]